
Veterinarian Surgeon Dr. Yohanky Ruiz Delgado.

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Veterinarian surgeon Yohanky lives in Cardenas, where he runs regular spay and neutering campaigns at his home and also at local sites in his neighbourhood. He helps local people care for their pets and gives treatment to the many abandoned street cats and dogs that are brought to him. Often these street animals are very sick or injured. Life on the streets is tough for animals.

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During the campaigns Yohanky is assisted by veterinarian students and a group of friends and volunteers.

Carlos assisting.

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Ana, ensuring the equipment is cleaned properly.

In recovery.
Waiting their turn.


The team recently applied parasite treatment to a group of cats and dogs living in a market garden in the sea breeze area.

A week later the animals were sterilised.

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Yohanky has been working towards a project for the city of Cardenas named PABS. Protección Animal por un Bienestar Social

(Animal Protection for Social Welfare). The project could be the way forward for many town and cities in Cuba as it addresses not only the long term welfare and wellbeing of animals, and people but also suggests achievable ways of improving the environment

The PABS team.
The PABS team.

The PABS team.
Taking the opportunity to treat one of the dogs who lives in the park.

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The first animal adoption event in Cardenas. All the animals adopted were followed up and spayed/neutered as soon as possible.
Because there is no animal refuge, stray cats and dogs who need time to recover from life on the streets are placed with an animal protector who will foster them until a permanent home can be found for them. The Animal Protectors do an invaluable job; you can read more about them on the website.

Resources are very scarce in Cuba, anaesthetic and some flea treatment for the campaigns is provided by The Aniplant Project. Other supplies and treatments are given by friends and supporters from Canada, UK, Europe and the US. Because of this continued support, Gladis and Yohanky are able to treat many more street cats and dogs suffering from biting parasites and skin diseases, injuries from abuse and cruelty and by sterilisation putting and end to the cycle of stray puppies and kittens.

If you would like to help please consider bringing supplies, treatments, dog and cat food in your luggage when you visit Cuba. (No pork, beef or lamb products please). If you would like to know more about Yohanky's project please get in touch. Thank you.